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The Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce has served the community since 1959.  The first Board of Directors and Executive were long-time residents Frank Oberle, James Merchant, Joe Engelman, Ernie Pfanner, Norm Stirling, Eugene Embree, Emil Breitkreitz, Paul Anderson, Jim Ashdown, Alex Daniluck, and Father Emile Jungluth.


The first Chamber of Commerce achieved many notable successes, including the incorporation of Chetwynd as a village in 1962. The Chamber of Commerce was also instrumental in the establishment of a Water Works District, the first newspaper (the Chinook), a fire department, hospital, airport and improved housing. 

Membership Categories















Individual Non Bus.

Non-Profit Organization  

Sole Proprietor

2-5 Employees

6-15 Employees

16-25 Employees

26-35 Employees

36-45 Employees

46-55 Employees

56-100 Employees

101-200 Employees

201-300 Employees

*taxes included in above prices


The majority of the Chamber membership consists of business members. The legal entity, regardless of ownership, is the member of the Chamber with a representative appointed by the member. The annual membership dues are determined by the number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees.


Individual Membership
Available to any individual interested in trade and commerce and the wellbeing of the Chetwynd business community who is not actively involved in an operating business. Retired business people interested in stayed involved with the Chamber often avail themselves of this membership.


Not For Profit / Charity
A category for organizations registered as a not for profit corporation, a philanthropic, civic or religious organization, or a charity recognized as such by Revenue Canada.

Download your 2023/2024 membership
application here
Become a member

  When you join the Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce you will become a part of a coalition of business men and women dedicated to the improvement and of growth Chetwynd.

  We represent business in Municipal, Provincial and Federal matters. We are the voice of business.

  The Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit alliance, governed by a volunteer board of directors. The Chamber is a private organization funded primarily by membership dues.    

What do we offer?

Promotion on our website and social media

The chamber promotes its members by including their business information, logo, website, events or sales you are doing on our social media pages and website. We use Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.


Employment Listings for FREE on our website

Are you hiring? Let us know about it and we’ll add it to our Job Listings page on our website at


Special Rates…

 -On Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance plan - Low rates for your Visa, Interac and Mastercard Services

- Gas discounts - Hotel and car rental discounts - So much more…check out the Member Benefits tab here:


Discounted rate at the Annual Chetwynd Trade Show

The Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce sponsors the Chetwynd Trade Show held each spring and attended by thousands of Peace area residents. As a participating vendor, your Chamber membership entitles you to a discounted rate on your booth.

  The Trade Show is a great opportunity to interact directly with existing customers and attract new ones.


Monthly Member Luncheons

  Join other members and your local Chamber staff for a bite to eat and a chance to listen to speakers chosen specifically for our community. Speakers range from provincial politicans to local politicans, business owners and discussion panels.

  These lunches area great way to meet, greet and network with the business community in Chetwynd.


Grand Openings

  Grand Opening  is an event geared to promote your business in an informal setting as you celebrate a grand opening or grand re-opening (new management, new location etc.). You provide the venue and refereshments and we'll get the word out about your event.  

  You get to connect with new and existing customers and contacts, showcase products, services and your space and we provide another value to our members.

  We include a ribbon cutting, online promotion, posters, coverage on the day of with photos and video and then... we’ll share it with the world!


Business After Five

You host an evening of social frivolity at your business, provide the snacks and bevvies and we take care of all of your promotional needs. A great chance to chat with other local business owners and managers and their staff. (Held only 6 times per year).


Monthly newsletter

The Chamber also distributes a monthly newsletter to its members: Biz Matters. This monthly email will keep you up to date on what’s happening in our area as well as with our local business community. Members can also advertise within its pages as well. Contact us for more information.


Promotional Events & Shop Local Initiatives

Such as the annual 18 days of Christmas, the annual Turkey Round Up, the Business Light Up, Scarecrows & Jack O’ Lanterns during HarvestFest, Business Excellence Awards, Small Business Week, as well as various webinars and workshops.


Business Walks

The “Business Walk” is a day dedicated to learning more about our local businesses through face-to-face interviews on their turf. Business Walks enables our community/region to cover much more ground than a traditional Business Retention and Expansion Program. Local leaders and key community stakeholders visit a large number of businesses with the hopes of gathering the knowledge they need to help their community and strengthen relationships. Consider a Business Walk the foundation of building relationships and networks over time. Ongoing events and reporting will help keep everyone up to date and inspired to foster a stronger business and friendlier business climate.

Hosting this event yearly allows us to:

• Understand the issues and opportunities of our existing business community

• Quickly diagnose firms on the brink of greatness or that may be at risk

• Build long lasting and effective working relationships between decision makers and local businesses

• Increase awareness of the programs and services offered by the community, economic development office, chamber of commerce, and other partners

• Recognize the impact and value that we place in our local businesses

• Identify those businesses that may require assistance

• Track the state of the local business community over time

• Provide local businesses with access to information that can help them grow and expand locally.


Advertising Opportunities

  Let us rack your business cards and company brochure at the Chamber for FREE! Having this information on hand is useful when potentital business enquiries are made at the Chamber.

  Also, for a small fee you can advertise your business on our webpage with a link to your page. Contact us for a pricelist.


Business Excellence Awards

The Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce hosts a bi-annual Business Excellence Awards event during Small Business Week in October. It's our chance -and yours - to show your appreciation to our community's businesses via various award categories. The next awards evening is set for October 2018.


Two Job Fairs

The Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce also hosts two job fairs/year. One in May and one in September. Finding the right employee can be difficult but that's where we come in to assist in your search! As a Chamber member you get a special cost for your booth. 

So why join?

By joining the Chamber of Commerce you will become a part of a coalition of business men and women dedicated to the improvement and growth of Chetwynd.  We represent business in Municipal, Provincial and Federal matters.  


We are “The Voice of Business.”

© 2017 Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce. Proudly created with

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