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Our goal, at the Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce, is to help foster relationships between your business and others within our membership. It is with that in mind we are proud to re-introduce the Member to Member Program.

The program hopes to be a networking tool that allows Chamber Members to receive a discount or other benefit at another Chamber Member business.

Our mandate is to be the “Voice for Local Business" and to promote the well-being of businesses in Chetwynd as well as to foster a work, stay and play at home atmosphere to all. Our goal is to help foster relationships between your business and others within our membership.

Each year you will receive one membership card as well as recognition as a participating business. Additional cards for employees may be purchased through the Chamber of Commerce.

At this time the Chetwynd Chamber is looking to sign up as many members as possible to offer discounts, deals or promotions to fellow members. The Chamber is confident that participation in the M2M Project will provide a significant advantage to members offering an incentive/discount to fellow Chamber members.

If you have any questions or want to register, please feel free to contact us at the
Chamber at 5121 47th Avenue or via phone at 250-788-3345 or via email at

Discounts will be displayed on our webpage at and will be updated bi-weekly. Should you wish to change your discount, simply contact us and we'll make the change.

Member to Member Discounts


Discount on sessions & workshops.

Contact with member info



10% OFF




Contact 250-874-6245


1. What is the program?
The Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce Member to Member (M2M) Program is a great networking tool and a way to save you money. Participating businesses provide discounts for their products and or services, and receive recognition, advertising and potentially much more business.

2. What are the benefits?
For providing a discount/benefit, your business will be listed in the following mediums:
􁓴 Recognition as a M2M participant on the Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce website.
􁓴 Listing in printed materials regarding the program.
􁓴 Save money through discounts and benefits from many other businesses with your own card!
􁓴 Exposure for your business through the advertising opportunities mentioned above.

3. Who can participate?
Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce Members in good standing will receive one M2M Card and additional M2M cards may be purchased for $5


4. How do I participate?
You would provide a discount or other benefit to customers that show you their valid Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce M2M card. For example you may choose to provide a 10%discount, free delivery, and gift card when purchasing $100 or buy three get one free – whatever works best for your business. If you do not wish to participate in this way and simply want to take advantage of the benefits provided by other Chamber Members, simply show your card to participating members at the time of purchase.

5. I want to participate. What do I do?
To provide a discount or other benefit, complete a registration form available on our website or in person at our office at 5121 47th Avenue in beautiful downtown Chetwynd. Once your application has been received, your special offer will be included in the Participating Members List on our website. You may begin participation at any time during the year. Provide your agreed discount/ benefit to customers that show their valid M2M card, and enjoy the discounts and benefits from using your card at other participating businesses.

6. If I don’t provide a discount or benefit do I still receive a card and receive the discounts from others?
Yes, but you will not receive any other benefits of the program such as advertising (see Program Benefits).

7. If I participate in the program and provide a discount or other benefit, how do I know who to give it to?
Anyone who is a current member of the Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce and shows you their M2M card is eligible for any benefits you agreed to provide.

8. Are there any limitations to what I can provide as a benefit?
All discounts and benefits of any kind will be subject to review by the Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce.

9. If I agree to provide a discount, am I obliged to provide the discount for the next year?
No, you are not obligated, you may cancel your participation in the program at any time and your information will be deleted from the program. 

10. How can I find out where I can get discounts/benefits?
A complete list is available on the website Currently the listing is updated bi-weekly. An up to the minute list is available at the Chamber office 250-788-3345

11. What should I do if someone comes into my business and says they are a Chamber member, but does not have their M2M card?
Please refer them to our office; you are not required to provide them with your agreed discount/benefit.

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